Work In Progress

I've taken a break from the photos. I needed to. The plan for this week was to be done finalizing the photos, but obviously that is not going to happen. However, I have finalized and started editing the video. It's honestly so much harder than I thought it would be, I had so much fucking footage. I was in the country for like a month though so it makes sense. 

I'm having fun editing, but everything just seems so different. Also, unless the audience understands patois, they'll have a hard time understanding what's being said in the video. And I don't know if I want to add subtitles. 

I want the video to feel like a diary, a diary that everyone gets to read which forces me to add subtitles, making the video more inclusive. I also feel like so much is lost once the dialect is translated and I don't want that/ I don't know if I'll do a good job of preventing that. 

These men wanted to know who I belonged to. 


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