Colleen Woolpert
Collen Woolpert makes art about a community she is not a part of. This act is often controversial because how can you accurately represent something when you yourself haven't even experienced that way of life? Woolpert's art works to bridge a divide between monocular and binocular vision, and I think the most beautiful thing about her art is how it is inspired by her twin ship with her sister who has binocular vision.

Before attending this artist talk, I did not know much about binocular vision nor did I even think about how the way I saw the world might be different from how others saw the world. With her art, Woolpert creates an immersive environment where people can experience a different depth of field.

Jean Baudrillard writes, the "simulation threatens the difference between 'true' and 'false', between 'real' and 'imaginary'" and Woolpert's art does that (5). Art is ALWAYS INQUIRY, but it can also be science. By creating simulations of other people's reality -- her reality, her sister's reality -- Woolpert threatens what people think they know is real. Everyday I learn something new, and everyday I realize the real is what I think I know, but in reality I live in the hyperreal.

Before attending this artist talk, I did not know much about binocular vision nor did I even think about how the way I saw the world might be different from how others saw the world. With her art, Woolpert creates an immersive environment where people can experience a different depth of field.

Jean Baudrillard writes, the "simulation threatens the difference between 'true' and 'false', between 'real' and 'imaginary'" and Woolpert's art does that (5). Art is ALWAYS INQUIRY, but it can also be science. By creating simulations of other people's reality -- her reality, her sister's reality -- Woolpert threatens what people think they know is real. Everyday I learn something new, and everyday I realize the real is what I think I know, but in reality I live in the hyperreal.
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